Lately, I’ve been studying a little about Python and the more I learn the more I become interested about this language. It was the first time I had contact with a language that uses dynamic typing and since the first time I used it, I had the impression it could be a good replace for Matlab. I like Matlab, but the fact of being proprietary and not being a general-purpose language makes Python a better solution for me.
Author: Renato
Organizing with Emacs Org-Mode
Another interesting Emacs mode is Org-Mode. It permits to make annotations and manage to-do lists and projects using text files with some special marks.
The marks as interpreted by Emacs, so that it separates the various parts of the text, which facilitates obtaining information. It is possible to organize an agenda with appointments set up on specific dates and also tasks without due dates. With every agenda item, it is possible to associate tags, which can be used to filter search results. These features make Org-Mode a good resource for those who use GTD. For those who don’t know GTD, it is worth to take a look. It was proposed by David Allen and is described in the book “Getting things done”. A brief description of the method can be seen on this presentation which was given at Google and on this reference card.
Emacs and AUCTEX to edit LaTeX documents
Some years ago, one of the problems I had when I was migrating my desktop to GNU/Linux was finding a development environment for LaTeX. For those who don’t know LaTeX, it’s worth checking out. It is a “document preparation system” widely used for producing mathematical and scientific texts due to its high typographic quality.
By the time I was using MS Windows, I used TeXnicCenter to edit LaTeX projects. Despite its limitations, it did its job well done. On GNU/Linux, I initially tried the Kile editor. Although I consider it an excellent editor, I missed a basic feature: spell correction on the fly (those red marks that are shown under the words when they are spelled incorrectly). Perhaps I had this problem because I was trying to use Kile with GNOME as it was originally developed to be used with KDE.
Hello World!
Welcome to my personal blog! I’ve started this because I needed to save some information for further reference and I think a blog is an good alternative to do so. The information is about a variety of subjects: softwares I’ve tested, computer simulations, texts, links and service or product impressions I consider worth. Moreover, I will use this space to practice my writing which needs some improvement 🙂
Currently, I’m working towards the Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering and I intend to publish some of the things I’m studying. Besides that, I’m starting a project on software development and I’d like to publish the experience I’m having with analysis, data collection and the development itself.
Since 2005, when I got in touch with the free software culture, I’ve been studying and using many free software solutions. During the last years, I’ve been migrating my desktop environment and today, almost all the software I use is free software. I’d like to write about some of these softwares, including the experiences I’m having with Emacs and some of its “modes” as my development environment and Python for application development and computer simulations.
I hope I find people interested on these subjects so that we can discuss and learn new stuff. Feel free to contact me and participate on the comments 🙂
Renato Candido.